Katie, Bobbie and Troy - 3 tickets, 3 friends, a bunch of other people and here are the photos:
Bobbie and Buzz - pre game
J.T. was an early front runner for the Mr. Pat look-a-like contest.
O'Connell gals
Bobbie and work buddy Mike
View of the field
Troy, Bobbie and souvenir cups
Brian and Mr. Pat celebrate the victory
John and Bobbie (and a sneaky Troy) at Mothers Fed Hill
A Father and his Daughters
Troy signing up for this year's Hot Dog eating Contest. A huge effort - He came very close to winning, just like
last year.
Nervous John, Confident Troy
Mr. Pat and Mr. Matt - BFF for over 20 years
All in all a great day and looking forward to big things this season for the O's!