Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Decorating Video Blog Episode #1

Here is the Grand Idea for Our first Christmas in Lauraville:

Thanks to Pat O'Connell for letting us use his projector.

Now, it has been asked “John, What will you do about sound?” What I have planned is to purchase this FM Transmitter:

What that will allow me to do is put the sound on an FM station, so people can hear it in their cars. I will be putting up a sign letting people know what station to tune to - AND when we are not doing movies, I am hooking it up to itunes with a Christmas playlist and recordings of John and Bobbie's own season greetings. Our own Christmas radio station!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it in action!

Anonymous said...

We'll have to make a special trip to Lauraville to see a movie and your decorations. You supply the entertainment and we'll bring the Hot Apple Toddies!
-Pat and Mary