Here is the Grand Idea for Our first Christmas in Lauraville:
Thanks to Pat O'Connell for letting us use his projector.
Now, it has been asked “John, What will you do about sound?” What I have planned is to purchase this FM Transmitter:
What that will allow me to do is put the sound on an FM station, so people can hear it in their cars. I will be putting up a sign letting people know what station to tune to - AND when we are not doing movies, I am hooking it up to itunes with a Christmas playlist and recordings of John and Bobbie's own season greetings. Our own Christmas radio station!
Can't wait to see it in action!
We'll have to make a special trip to Lauraville to see a movie and your decorations. You supply the entertainment and we'll bring the Hot Apple Toddies!
-Pat and Mary
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