Thursday, December 1, 2011

Growing out of things already

Tomorrow, Charlie will be 8 weeks and he's already growing out of some of the things we used most in those first few weeks.  I have said before that babies come with a lot of stuff, but what's even more surprising (and a bit overwhelming) is the short time period they actually use all that "stuff."  Here are a few of the items we're already transitioning to the basement!

Fisher Price Newborn Rock and Play Sleeper--this served as our bassinet and was perfect for us because it didn't take up much space, folds up really easily, and Charlie slept great in it from the beginning.  We moved it into his nursery at about 4 weeks but kept him sleeping in it.  This was to both help us get used to not having him in our room and so we could get some sound sleep--CPL is quite a loud sleeper!  We transitioned Charlie to his crib this past weekend with some, to be expected, trepidation.  I was worried he wasn't going to sleep well since he's used to being in cozy environments with an incline and the crib of course didn't offer either of these.  But, he's doing just fine and slept for NINE hours Wednesday night--yes I was one of 'those moms' and woke up no less than 5 times to make sure he was still breathing.

Avent 4 oz. Bottles--we officially boxed up all the 4 oz. bottles this week and are now onto 9 oz. only.  He eats about 5-6 oz. each feeding.  We have been happy with the Avent bottles so far and I'm looking forward to when he's using sippy cups because the bottles themselves can be transitioned to sippy cups.

Ergo Infant Insert--I really like our Ergo but was not really happy with the infant insert.  I thought it was really bulky and seem to smother Charlie.  We used the Ergo a lot on our recent trip to Missouri, since we didn't bring a stroller along on the trip.  While the packaging says you can use the infant insert until they are 5 or 6 months old, we've already had Charlie in the carrier without it and he's just fine.

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